
All of the invitations have been sent out. If you have received an invite can you please check that you are on the entry list. YOU MUST REMEMBER TO SAVE AND CONFIRM YOUR PAYMENT. You will receive an email from SiEntries confirming your payment (as long as you aren’t blocking emails fromĀ
There are a few invitations still to be accepted from the first batch that were sent out and this runs out at midnight on the 12th March. If places aren’t accepted by then you will be placed back on the waiting list and the place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
If you haven’t received an invite you will be placed on the waiting list and will receive an invitation if a place becomes available.
Please do not contact us to ask where you are on the list we will not give out this information, we are happy to confirm that you are indeed on the waiting list but that is all.

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