Ben Nevis Race Association AGM on Wednesday 12th March 2025, at 7pm in Fort William, Nevis Centre.
All welcome, new committee members and helpers etc, to ensure the future of the race.
Ben Nevis Race Association AGM on Wednesday 12th March 2025, at 7pm in Fort William, Nevis Centre.
All welcome, new committee members and helpers etc, to ensure the future of the race.
2025 Race Entry Date:- Entries will open on 15th March 2025 at 6pm, via Sientries.
*** IMPORTANT CHANGES *** Regards the 3 category “A” race requirements for entries, to change the category from 3 category “A” Races to 3 category “AM” Races as per Scottish Hill Runners Categories as below, and that they should have been completed within the past 3 years :-
Category S (short) is 10km or less
Category M (medium) is over 10km but less than 20km
Category L (long) is 20km or over
Category A
Should average not less than 50m of climb per km, and not have more than 20%of race distance on road.
Category B
Should average not less than 25m of climb per km, and not more than 30% on road.
Category C
Should average not less than 20m of climb per km, and not more than 40% on road.
As an example, the Ben Nevis Race has the category “AM”, because it is 14km long and has 96m of climb per km.
Winner Mrs Linda Gall No. 37,
Has won this years January 2025 Draw
Ben Nevis Race Association 200 Club Draw
Winner Mr Hughie MackIntosh No. 77,
Has won this years Decembers/Christmas Draw 2024,
draw for the sum of £500, is on its way to you.
Ben Nevis Race Association 200 Club Draw
200 Club Draw Winner
Mr J Rennie, Your No. 114,
has won this years November 2024, draw for the sum of £75, is on its way to you.
Ben Nevis Race Association 200 Club Draw
200 Club Draw Winner
Mr Donald Sillars, Your No. 22,
has won this years October 24, draw for the sum of £75, is on its way to you.
Ben Nevis Race Association 200 Club Draw
200 Club Draw Winner
Mrs Karen Smith, (Fochabers), Your No. 123,
has won this years September, Race day draw for the sum of £1000, is on its way to you.
Ben Nevis Race Association 200 Club Draw.
Ben Nevis Race Association 2024
On Saturday 7th Sept 2024, 420 athletes took to the start line, ready to undertake one of the most brutal and gruelling Ben Nevis Races ever, as it coincided with the hottest day of the year so far, with high temperatures of around 28 degrees and absolutely no cooling breeze either low down or higher up on the mountain.
As if the distance and height involved in racing up to the top of Britain’s highest mountain and back, wasn’t enough, the high temperature was certainly a significant deciding factor on whether this challenge could be completed or not. As a consequence of the searing heat, there were 45 retirees and 375 finishers out of the 420 starters with many realising quite early on that it was not going to be possible to complete the race due to heat, dehydration, fatigue etc. Others managed to cope with the conditions and complete the race but all who completed the race suffered from dehydration, with some requiring to be transferred to hospital due to dehydration/heat stroke. Massive thank you to Graeme Corner, and Mowi Scotland, for supplying and delivering around 25 Boxes of crushed ice, at very short notice, which was great for cooling down runners that were struggling in the heat
As the race progressed and the day became hotter, it became clear that providing attention, care, shade and water for the finishers was becoming more and more important. Despite 1,000 bottles of water being provided for the 420 runners, resources became a bit stretched as athletes crossed the line in varying levels of distress. The race organisers would, therefore, like to thank the exceptional work, care and attention that many volunteers and members of the public provided for the runners, as everyone ‘rolled their sleeves up and got stuck in’ to help manage a challenging and stressful situation.
On the hill, a team of 20 marshals plus mountain rescue personnel supported, encouraged and cared for the runners and their expertise, clear communication and ‘professionalism’ was invaluable to both the runners and the hundreds of walkers who were also struggling their way up Ben Nevis.
Once again, the resilience of people shone through and 375 runners completed the Ben Nevis Race. Times were probably about 30 minutes slower due to the heat but setting good times are for another day in better conditions, the mere fact that so many completed such an incredible challenge is real credit to their determination and mettle. A huge WELL DONE to all!
Once again the organisers would also like to thank the support and contributions of the following:
Ben Nevis Distillery
Spean Pharmacy (Mhor Health)
Nevis Cycles
Cafe Mara
Nevis Bakery
Off Beat Bikes
Campbell Plant Hire
The Hire Centre
Great Glen Creative
MacPherson Welding
Keith Stephens
Highland Industrial Supplies
Brakes Foodservice
It was agreed at our latest meeting that there will be NO RED LETTERS this year due to the extreme weather conditions.
Here’s a link to a gallery that runners can purchase their pictures from. You just have to take a selfie or put in their bib number & it should find any pictures of them. I definitely didn’t get everyone, but hopefully I got most:
Ben Nevis Race 2024 (Great Glen Creative) (