BNRA feel it is necessary to address and clarify several issues in relation to comments and an ongoing misinterpretation of facts by individuals who purport to represent a core of hill runners.

As volunteers, organisers, and runners with a cumulative 80+ Ben Nevis races completed, we appreciate and value all opinions and would reiterate the offer for any individuals to join the BNRA committee, share their passion, and help shape future races.

As a constituted association of local volunteers we have, over the past 15 years, harnessed our own passion for, and managed to keep the Ben Nevis Race viable despite ongoing environmental pressures resulting in many other classic core races failing such as, Carnethy 5 and Pentland skyline.

We have achieved this by extensive meetings over these years (including site visits), discussions and consultancy, with landowners (Jahamma Estates, John Muir Trust) and NatureScot who, as the National body are legally responsible for the natural heritage of Ben Nevis and decide if a permission is granted or not.

To clarify, race permissions obtained from NatureScot have specific measures in place with regard to the route and prohibit some previous lines used. This is one of the main compromises that BNRA has had to make to ensure the race continues to take place into the future.

As we have described above, we believe in discussion and dialogue with the relevant bodies to forge relationships securing the future of the race is the positive way forward and should anyone wish to join the committee to help achieve this then they are very welcome. We hope this clarifies our position and explains that we are not “overly prescriptive organisers”

Good luck to all

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